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Eusokon Technology (Shanghai) co.,Ltdare a professional and quality-orientedmanufacturer ofhospital furniture andequipment, have advancedproductionmanagement experience in medical fieldWe are located in Shanghai, which is a famousna-tional environment protection, health, andcivilizedcity, extremely advantageous geographicalloca-tion and the environment for investment andde-velopment.Eusokon has existing staff of morethan200 people, all kinds of professional andtechnicalpersonnel more than 20 people, young andpas-sionate sales and after-service team.
Welcome to our workshop
We have 1 workshops of 2,000 square meters, with 200 workers,all kinds of professional and technical personnel more than 20 people,Our workshop has advanced processing achinery with international standards.